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For Holiday and Festival celebration dates and times, see Calendar.
Oneg Shabbat
follows regular
friday services
Ten Paths
To God
A curriculum based on the
teachings of Rabbi Sacks
Welcome to ‘Ten Paths to God’, a new 10-unit curriculum on Judaism and Jewish identity based on traditional sources and the teachings of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. This curriculum has been developed as a free resource that can be adapted and used by anyone involved in formal or informal Jewish education – in middle or high schools, for youth movements, on campuses, or as part of outreach organisations, synagogues and community centres.It can also be a resource for parents to learn one-on-one with their children if they wish, or even for individuals who just want to think deeper about Judaism.
I find the teachings of Rabbi Sacks to be most gratifying. Seeing this new course of study he has made available to all, for no cost, reinforces my belief that Rabbi Sacks is a righteous teacher and strives for the good of the Jewish community all over the world. I am excited to begin studying this series of classes, easily downloaded from (see link below). If you are a member or a guest of Temple Beth Am in San Jacinto, please let me know if you need help in accessing these materials. I look forward to this learning and hope you find it of interest as well.
or the image below for access to Rabbi Sacks free course of study.
Online Learning
Temple Beth Am is An Unaffiliated
Jewish Synagogue Serving the San Jacinto Area
Hannukah 2023:
Friday Eve Dec. 15
@ 6pm
Hannukiah Lighting
Shortened Shabbat Service
Dreidel Competition

Temple Beth Am San Jacinto
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